Give Back on Thanksgiving!

For anyone living far away from home the holidays have potential to be a great time to go back home and see all your friends and family, but for anyone unable to return home it can be an unfortunately sad and lonely time. I have news for you though; it doesn't have to be! If you're not going home to be with family this Thanksgiving I highly suggest checking out a volunteer opportunity somewhere close by. There are too many people who will be cold and hungry this Thanksgiving and volunteering is a great way to do something nice for someone else that will probably elevate your mood a bit as well! To make it easy for you to find a volunteer opportunity I found you this website with contact information for 5 great places to spend one day or start getting involved on a more consistent basis!

 The holidays are a time where we often reflect on how blessed and grateful we are for everything and everyone we are fortunate enough to have in our lives. Not everyone can relate to that feeling and a few hours of your day could mean the world to someone else. Who knows, you might even make a few new friends along the way!

For everyone traveling home this weekend , have a safe journey and enjoy the short break before finals come! I'd also like to remind everyone University Housing is currently in the middle of a food drive so bring some nonperishable food items back to school with you and for every 5 items you donate you'll get a coupon for FREE FOOD from Noodles & Co. The next day for the Noodles' coupons is December 3rd in Sandburg from 11:30AM - 1:00PM.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Give Back on Thanksgiving! Give Back on Thanksgiving! Reviewed by Unknown on November 26, 2013 Rating: 5

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