Cool New Phone! How's it Work?

Not surprisingly, androids and iPhones were among the best selling items over the holiday season. For some students this will be the first semester with a phone capable of virtually anything, for others this is the next upgrade in a long line of technological disappointments. Regardless of your scenario, there are a few ways you can make the most out of your phone to try to make this semester even better than the last! Next I'll outline a few different apps that I have found to be a huge help staying on top of everything from day to day.

One of the best apps around if you're interested in taking notes digitally. Featuring cloud storage, superior organization, and an incredibly easy user interface, Evernote is every college student's best friend. Notes are easy to create and edit, but my favorite part is the notebooks to sort notes, pictures, and other files. Simple organization is a seemingly minuscule feature a lot of other note-taking apps I've used in the past lacked. Cloud storage allows for access to your files anywhere, so you're no longer stuck to one device!
Dropbox and Google Drive are a couple alternatives also worth mentioning!

Ever feel like you're on a social media Ferris wheel with all of the different sites you use? Buffer brings it all together in one app so you can spend more time catching up or staying current and waste less time switching between every account. Buffer will work with just about any other app and even has to option to schedule your tweet updates and posts so you can stay active without even being on your phone!

In my opinion, the biggest contender to Pandora for streaming music. Instead of listening to just a genre or station based off of certain artists, with Spotify you are able to create a library, playlists to share with others, access your music from multiple devices, and play specific songs you're looking for. My favorite part about Spotify is that streaming music from your mobile device is now free! A recent change that has kept my headphones rockin'. Whether from your phone or computer, Spotify is a great way to get in the zone with whatever music you desire.

If you're reading this first sentence to decide whether or not to keep reading or skip the boring finance part, do yourself a favor and keep reading. Even to an accounting and finance major like myself personal finance isn't exactly my idea of a fun time. However, it is an extremely important lesson that is better learned while we're young! Toshl Finance combines animation and practicality to start forming the right habits to ensure financial well-being later on in life!

The technology available is our ticket to an endless supply of resources to make our lives better. Instead of using your new phone as the fuel to your Candy Crush addiction (...not that I would know anything about that), try something new to help yourself out. Maybe you'll even be able to keep your new year's resolution!

Cool New Phone! How's it Work? Cool New Phone! How's it Work? Reviewed by Unknown on January 17, 2014 Rating: 5

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