The Time is NOW!

This Sunday, March 2nd, not only marks the special occasion of the day I was born, but it is the deadline for submitting your housing contracts to make sure you get the perfect room on campus next year! As I mentioned in my last blog, returner self-assignment is a special time where current residents can come pick out exactly where throughout University Housing you will live for the next chapter of your career at UWM.

The actual process of self-assignment will be taking place March 4th and 5th in Sandburg. A letter went out to your campus mailbox February 21st explaining the details of the self-assignment process. Make sure to check your mailbox for this letter which will indicate your scheduled self-assignment appointment. If you want to live in the same room you are currently in, select that option when you fill out your 2014-2015 contract and you will not need to take any further action! That is only applicable if you complete your contract before March 2nd!

Part of self-assignment includes picking your roommates and suite mates. When you come to pick out your room you can pencil in the names of your desired living mates to reserve their spot in your room. However, in order for them to be placed in the same room or suite they must also attend their assigned self-assignment appointment and confirm the room selection! If they do not confirm their reservation their names will be erased and anyone will be able to claim that space so make sure you are communicating with each other!

"Eric, I really want to live in housing again next year, but I have class during my scheduled self-assignment appointment! Does that mean I won't be able to participate?!"

Of course not! You will still get the same priority as everyone else! You can have a proxy come and reserve your space for you. All you have to do is fill out a proxy card, which you received as an email attachment on February 26th. If you need another they are available at the service desk.

In addition, if you lived in and loved your LLC or didn't live in one this year and want to next year you will be able to self-assign into an LLC! Take a look at all of the options and pay special attention to HH2, S'MORE, and Future Fraternity and Sorority Leaders. Those three are all geared towards returning students!

Now it's up to you! Get those contracts filled out by 11:59PM March 2nd and show up to your appointment for the most hassle free living selection process you will ever have!

Happy Self-Assigning, Panthers!


The Time is NOW! The Time is NOW! Reviewed by Unknown on February 25, 2014 Rating: 5

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