Summer Living Made Easy

Didn't get enough University Housing during the regular school year? Great! We would be happy to provide you with a home for as long as you need during the busy Milwaukee Summer. In order to be eligible for summer housing you will need to meet one of the following requirements:

  • Be enrolled in at least 1 summer course
  • Have a qualified internship
  • Be a UWM student employee

The minimum length of a summer contract is four weeks. When filling out a summer contract you will choose the exact length of your stay. Room rates are very competitive with alternative options in the area and are charged by day. Review the Summer Contract Guidebook for all of the specific details about the summer contract. If you have any questions they can be directed to University Housing in person, by phone (414)229-4065, or by e-mail Once you are familiar with the contract go ahead and fill out the Summer Contract Signature Page to lock in a suite. The priority submission deadline for the first session is May 5th so make sure to get the contract in by then!

This year Restaurant Operations is offering a new and improved summer meal plan option starting at $45 per week! With much lower levels of occupancy during the summer it is not possible to maintain the levels of operation in the cafeteria. Familiarize yourself with the Summer Meal Plan Options and when ready, PRINT and fill out the Summer Meal Plan Contract then turn it in to the University Housing office, C100 located in the Sandburg lobby.

REMEMBER: Priority deadline for the first summer session is May 5th!!

Summer Living Made Easy Summer Living Made Easy Reviewed by Unknown on April 14, 2014 Rating: 5

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