Housing Charges Deadlines and Payments

These past couple days we have had a ton of questions concerning payments and housing fees! All of your housing fees will be posted under the Finance Section of your PAWS Student Center page and can be paid through The Bursar's Office! If you have been assigned a room, you will notice that the Fall semester your housing and meal plan fees have been posted on your PAWS account. 

On August 1st, 60% of your Fall semester housing and meal plan charges are due, with the remaining 40% due on September 2nd. While financial aid will not disburse by August 1st, University Housing can take your financial aid award into account at the time the first payment is due.  If you wish to have financial aid considered in lieu of an August 1st payment out of pocket, the following must be completed:

-You must complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).
-You must have a valid financial aid award from UWM Financial Aid.
-You must have accepted the financial aid award in PAWS.uwm.edu
-The aid award must be large enough to cover the August 1 charges.

If your financial aid award is not enough to cover the August 1st payment, you will need to pay the difference. If you determine you need additional financial assistance, you are encouraged to consider a PLUS Loan or a Private Alternative Educational Loan (please apply for the amount needed for the entire year). Details on these programs are found at loans.uwm.edu or by contacting The Financial Aid Office.  

If you have registered for classes, tuition charges will be posted on your PAWS Student Center page approximately July 25th and is due September 2nd.  
 If you have not been assigned a room yet, any assignments posted prior to July 25th will still have 60% due August 1st. If you do not get assigned until July 28th or after, your 60% will be due approximately two weeks after the assignment. 

More information can also be found in The Contract Guidebook concerning payments and charges! As always if you have any further questions please give our office a call at 414-229-4065 or email us at university-housing@uwm.edu!

Housing Charges Deadlines and Payments Housing Charges Deadlines and Payments Reviewed by Unknown on July 22, 2014 Rating: 5

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