
Good Morning Panthers!

I hope your first month of classes went great, but it can be pretty overwhelming. With keeping up with all of the readings, labs, quizzes, and even with exams coming up it can be pretty stressful. Not to mention if you are working or in clubs and organizations as well. Personally myself I am working two jobs, a double major, and in a sorority so I am all too familiar with the struggle of trying to balance my time. Here are some helpful tips and tricks to not being as stressed or have the feeling of being overwhelmed.

Struggling with classes?

Making sure that you are up to date with all of your assignments as well as staying on track with all the readings can be very stressful.

Panther Academic Support Services (PASS) is here to help! PASS tutoring is extremely helpful with those classes that you are struggling with and can prepare you for those midterms and finals. Not only does PASS schedule tutor appointments with you, but they even except walk ins! Since my schedule can get a little hetic I like to use their option of online tutoring. Here is the best part IT IS FREE! So there is no excuse for you not to get the help you need!

Do you have an insane schedule?

Balancing your time is a skill that you will continue to grow at, but balancing school, work, clubs, social life, and hobbies can be a little overwhelming.

What I like to do is make a list and protize everything I need to get done. Having an online calendar as well as a hard cover planner is very helpful. You can even use the the calendar online through your school email or pick up a planner at the Student Success Center!

Are you feeling just overall overwhelmed?

The main thing you have to do is make sure you take care of yourself. It can be so easy to get wrapped up in your busy schedule.

 Make sure you make time to eat healthy, don't drink too much coffee, and get as much sleep as you possibly can. Remember that you can only perform at your best when you feel the best!

Stressed??? Stressed??? Reviewed by Unknown on October 15, 2015 Rating: 5

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