Hi Panthers!

Hi! My name is Jessica. I’m about to complete my second year here at UWM. I have been an Outreach Assistant at UWM for a few months now, and it’s exciting for me to watch incoming students because they are just beginning their college experience here as a Panther. I know that they will fall in love with this school, campus, and community just as I have.

Pantherfest 2016 

I grew up in a small town called Spring Green, Wisconsin. It was a unique town, having things such as American Players Theatre, House on theRock, and Taliesin. When I was looking at places to go for college, my one thought was that I wanted to be in a city, to be the opposite of where I grew up. Milwaukee has many opportunities in the healthcare field, such as a 4 year sonography program which is what drew me to apply here. However, my plans changed and I decided to do a different path of education in preparation for furthering my education after I complete my bachelor’s degree. I am now working towards a biomedical sciences degree, with a chemistry minor.

One of my favorite things here at UWM are the opportunities to become involved on campus. There are so many clubs, jobs, or sports to be a part of. I am in Chemistry Club and PASA, and if I had time would be involved in more. If I were to recommend something to an incoming student, it would be to join a club and meet new people with the same interests as you.

Panther Pride

Another favorite thing about UWM is Fall Welcome. There are so many activities and events planned. I also love living in this city because there are things to do all the time: new restaurants to try, new places to shop, new parts of the beach to lay on. I definitely feel that UWM is my home and I hope the incoming students will feel the same way!
Hi Panthers! Hi Panthers! Reviewed by Unknown on May 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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