2017-2018 Room Assignments: Decoding Tips

Hello Panthers!

As our room assignments will start go ing live, we have some tips for you on how to access and understand the MyHousing screens that contain your assignment information.

Step 1: Log onto your my housing webpage. (www.uwm.edu/housing/myhousing) This uses your ePantherID and Password. Once you are logged in scroll towards the bottom of the page to see your assignment. This room is in blue as a hyper link that you can click on.

Step 2: Click on your room and another page will also pop up with your suitemates/roommates listed on the page as well. The person with the same letter at the end of their room assignment is your roommate. Everyone else is a suitemate.

If you are living in Cambridge Commons or Riverview you will see CC or RV as the letters. When you have a space in Sandburg your assignment will start with a letter that corresponds to a tower in the building. North- N, South- S, East-E, West-W.  In the example above, the assignment starts with an "E" so you'd be living in East Tower. 

The next two numbers are the floor you live on. In this case the assignment is E1520D so you'd be living in East Tower on the 15th floor. The third and fourth numbers refer to the suite number you would live in. In some cases the suites have different layouts so you would want to look and see your layout. Finally, the last letter would be the room in the suite. In this case the "D" room.

Step 3: See if you are in your LLC! Go back to your Home Page and now look for a link called LLC Information. Click there, and it will take you to a screen that tells you what, if any, your LLC selection was, and your current status.
Please remember to be patient when working with myhousing and the UWM Housing website. There will be a lot of web traffic and some possible delays. Also keep in mind that not everyone finds out their assignments in the first wave but be patient -- it's coming! We are working hard to get your assignment to you. As usual, feel free to call us with any comments or questions. 
2017-2018 Room Assignments: Decoding Tips 2017-2018 Room Assignments: Decoding Tips Reviewed by Unknown on June 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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