Decoding Your Room Assignment

Beginning Friday June 8th, room assignments will start going live! Here are some tips to help you understand what everything means.

First, you have to log into your myHousing portal, ( using your ePanther ID and password. On the bottom of your page, you can access your room assignment by clicking on the blue hyperlink.

Then, click on your room, and you'll be able to see your roommate(s) and suitemates! The person who has the same letter at the end of their room assignment is your roommate, and the other people are your suitemates. You can then contact your suitemates/roommates via email, to get to know them before move in. You can access any messages you may have by clicking on the link on the left that says My Messages.

To understand your room assignment -

If you are living in Cambridge Commons, your room number will start with CC. If you are living in Sandburg, the letter will correspond with which tower you are in. N is North, E is East, S is South, and W is West. The next one or two numbers would be the floor you live on. The final third and fourth numbers refers to your suite, and the letter at the end is your room within the suite. So, if your room assignment was CC281A, you would be living in Cambridge Commons, on the second floor, in room 281, room A. In the picture below, the assignment is E0130A. So this person's assignment would be East Tower, the 1st floor, suite 130, room A.

If you signed up for an LLC, you can see if you are in it! Go back to your Home Page, and then click the link on the left that says Living Learning Community. If you click it, you can then see what your LLC selection was (if any), and your status.

Finally, please be patient with myHousing! Since this is such an exciting time, there will be a lot of web traffic, and possibly some delays. Also keep in mind that not everyone's room assignment will be released in the first wave, but you will get your assignment soon! As always, feel free to call or email with any questions you have throughout this process!

Decoding Your Room Assignment Decoding Your Room Assignment Reviewed by Unknown on June 06, 2018 Rating: 5

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