A Need to be Nostalgic

Hey there Panthers,

As yet another semester comes to a close I ask you to reflect on your time here at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. What happened this year? 

You met your new suitemates with whom you went to Pantherfest. A lot of bonding happened over the course of a crazy night with Matt, Kim, and your newfound friends.

You got lost finding your classes on that first day of the semester, showing up right on time to sit next to a stranger that turned into your favorite study buddy.

You spent all of your pocket change on a late night cup of coffee from the Grind during midterm week, only to realize that you knew the information the whole time. Caffeine simply gave you the confidence to pass the test.

You went to a farm with a bus load of other students and played with goats and donkeys after getting lost in a corn maze.

You tried to learn the banjo, failed miserably, but got a banjo out of it.

You got hypnotized during Winter Welcome and became a superhero, only to learn during Geek Week that you can become an actual hero because you were inspired by Bill Nye the Science Guy as he told you and hundreds of UWM students, "You can, dare I say it, change the world!"

You triumphed over exams and projects as the Panthers triumphed over the Horizon League and headed to the NCAA championship. And your school spirit grew during spring break as you tuned into an exciting game against Villanova with your friends.

You took on a new job in order to not only help pay for school, but also pay for the plethora of sushi you ate in the Union Station this semester.

You put up with a lot of snow and wind during the winter months, only to be given a lot of rain and wind when March turned into April. And while this exam week is still a bit stormy, you note the beautiful flowers that wake you up for your test.

...I guess this is not necessarily what happened to everyone, but rather it is what happened to me. However, every Panther on campus has had a full and exciting year.

Reflect on your year, and share it with the rest of the UWM community by either commenting on this post, emailing it to uhmktg@uwm.edu, or posting about your year on twitter or facebook. We want to hear your story!

Thanks and have a great rest of your exam week!

A Need to be Nostalgic A Need to be Nostalgic Reviewed by Unknown on May 13, 2014 Rating: 5

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