Happy May Panthers!!
As the semester quickly comes to an end, it is time to start thinking about moving out of the residence halls and enjoying your summer vacation!! Your RA will be your guide to the move out process. I have posted some tips and tricks to make moving out an easy and breezy process for you all.
UWM residence halls will close on May 17th, 2014 at 6pm! Residents are asked to depart 24 hours after their last final exam but no later than May 17th at 6pm. If you need to stay longer please fill out a late departure request form and turn it into the housing office.
My first trick and tip for you all is make sure you do the following three things to avoid an improper checkout charge!
Below are some more tips for the move out process!!
Finally, I am sure a lot of you are wondering what happens to all that left over money from your meal plan at the end of the semester!
As the semester quickly comes to an end, it is time to start thinking about moving out of the residence halls and enjoying your summer vacation!! Your RA will be your guide to the move out process. I have posted some tips and tricks to make moving out an easy and breezy process for you all.
UWM residence halls will close on May 17th, 2014 at 6pm! Residents are asked to depart 24 hours after their last final exam but no later than May 17th at 6pm. If you need to stay longer please fill out a late departure request form and turn it into the housing office.
My first trick and tip for you all is make sure you do the following three things to avoid an improper checkout charge!
- Sign up for a checkout appointment with your RA on signup.com
- Show up on-time for your checkout appointment with your RA
- Checkout with an RA
Below are some more tips for the move out process!!
1. Pack up all items. We encourage you to start packing up prior to finals as that week can be stressful. Also, due to limited parking and supplies during move out it is often easier to move small loads home prior to move out.
2. If you have a loft, disassemble it and store it under your bed. The room should be returned to the same condition and arrangement it was in when you moved in.
3. Remove all items from your walls. Remove any tape, poster putty, etc. from walls and wash the marks off the walls. All spills/splashes must be wiped off walls, ceilings, heating units.
4. Clean and dust all furniture surfaces, including:
- Closet shelves
- Bookshelves
- Outlet covers
- Drawers in desk and dressers
- Windows: sill, panes, tracks
- Bed frame
- Under the bed
- Blinds
- Heating and A/C units
- Kitchen and bathroom cabinets
- Fridge and Freezer (top and inside)
6. Wash out waste baskets and place them on top of your desk. Clean all common areas of your suite. Empty out all kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Clean the toilet bowl and walls in the bathroom area. Clean out fridge and freezer, and stove top. Wash out kitchen trash can and place on top of kitchen table if applicable.
7. Sweep and clean tile floors. Please do not sweep debris into hallways or stairwells. Vacuum all carpeted areas within the suite. When vacuuming, you are responsible for the 4-foot area (left and right) outside your suite.
8. Donate unopened non-perishable food items, clothing and small appliances.
9. Clean out your mailbox and update your forwarding address information on the myhousing portal prior to check out.
10. Submit any necessary work orders for all damages or repairs needed in your room or suite at www.fixit.uwm.edu
11. Close your blinds and windows. Turn off lights and lock your room and suite door. Return your keys and of course enjoy your summer! :)
Finally, I am sure a lot of you are wondering what happens to all that left over money from your meal plan at the end of the semester!
If you do not have an outstanding balance or end of year charge, your meal plan funds will be refunded to you, minus a $10 administrative fee. Refunds are provided in the same fashion as your payment was made. Refunds typically take up to 45 days after closing. If you have charges owed on your PAWS account, your refund would first be applied to those charges.
Just a reminder that 24 hour quiet hours are in effect starting Thursday, May 8th at 10pm until Saturday, May 17th at noon!
Good luck on all your finals and we hope you all have a great summer,
Move out Information
Reviewed by Unknown
May 06, 2014
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